MindsEye Photo Authorization and Release Agreement

Our mission is made possible by the generosity of the St. Louis community. In order to share the success of our projects, we ask that you understand that photographs and/or video may be used in promotional and educational materials in print, online, TV, and other outlets at the discretion of MindsEye.

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Name (Parent/Guardian)
By signing below I acknowledge that any photographs and/or video of myself may be used in promotional and educational materials in print, online, TV, and other outlets at the discretion of MindsEye. I release MindsEye from any claims, liabilities, and obligations in regard to obtaining or using the materials. I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age and I am capable of signing this agreement OR I am a parent or legal guardian signing on behalf of a minor. I hereby agree that I have read this agreement and accept it.
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