Hey there MindsEye friends, Paul here, and I wanted to write up a little something to highlight Audio Description Awareness Day that’s coming up on the 16th. If you’re new here and this is the first time you’re hearing about AD, allow me to give you a quick overview. 

What is Audio Description?

The FCC defines Audio Description as an audio-narrated description of key visual elements, inserted into natural pauses in the program being viewed. Of course, AD has expanded to, not just television and movies, but to sporting events, conventions, theatrical performances, and even museum exhibits. Our very own Magan Harms and Natalie Webb are working hard on a big AD project for The Missouri History Museum as well as doing monthly tours at the St. Louis Art Museum. 

In short, Audio Description is another form of accessibility for those in the blind community. A way for those who are blind or partially sighted to experience things that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise. 

Types of Events

When people think of audio description, there’s a chance they think of TV and Movies. However, there is a plethora of different venues that offer AD either periodically or year-round. Here are a few that are in the St. Louis area that I think are worth a shout out:


If you live in STL or the Metro East, then chances are you might be a sports fan, and that’s why I love the fact that there are AD services offered by all of the STL big league teams, that includes the Cardinals, Blues, and CITY SC.


If you’re a fan of live theater, AD services are offered at the Muny, St. Louis Shakespeare Festival, COCA, Ignite Theatre Company, as well as STAGES St. Louis, and many more. There’s always something going on, so make sure to like and follow us on Facebook to stay informed. https://www.facebook.com/mindseyeradio/

Arts and History

If you’re looking to expand your horizons a bit, you could be excited to hear that there are many opportunities to do so. As mentioned before, The Missouri History Museum and the St. Louis Art Museum both offer AD accessibility, but there are more than just those. There’s AD offered at the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, The St. Louis Science Center, Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, and so many more. 

Get Involved

If you’re wanting to attend audio described events then make sure to head on over to our Facebook page, we post a local AD event schedule monthly, so that’s the best way to stay up to date. https://www.facebook.com/mindseyeradio/

If you’re interested in volunteering or becoming a describer yourself, then reach out to the AD team at AD@mindseyeradio.org.

If you want to know even more about audio description, here are some awesome links to get you started;

I hope that this article was a benefit to you and that you are inspired to get out there and try something new. I’ll catch you guys on the next one. 

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