MindsEye is compiling a new cohort of audio description quality control specialists for 2025. QCS are paid contractors who attend selected audio description events and provide feedback of not just the audio description, but their experience as a whole. All MindsEye QCS are blind, partially sighted, or have low vision. We are looking for a small, diverse group of individuals to make up this year’s cohort.

The group will be made of of people who are:
A variety of sight ranges, from no sight at all to low vision.
A variety of ages, from young adults to elderly.
A variety of backgrounds, races, religions, genders, etc.

MindsEye does not provide transportation, so all QCS must be adept at traveling to venues around the area. However, they are paid from the time they leave their home until the time they return, helping to offset the cost.

Most communication is through email, including some ticket transfers, so having basic computer, phone, and technology skills is required.

Most importantly, the job of the QCS is to provide constructive feedback of the audio description. This will require filling out forms online and/or emailing longer feedback for the record.

If you think you’re a good fit for the quality control specialist cohort, fill out the form below! If you are selected, you will be notified via email.

Quality Control Specialist Application

"*" indicates required fields

Preferred form of contact

What is your current availability?
Just a general idea
Choose all that apply
Are you comfortable traveling to events throughout the St. Louis region?

How do you normally travel to events?
Choose all that apply
Are you comfortable going to events alone?
How would you rate your basic computer skills?
Scale from 1 to 5 with 1 at No Skills and 5 as expert level
Do you have a guide dog?
We would like for our team to be as diverse as possible. Please provide any demographic information you’re comfortable with to help. This could mean Age, Gender Identity, Race and/or Ethnicity, Religion, Level of Education, or anything else you would like to share.
If you need more space, please include additional information in an email to mharms@mindseyeradio.org.
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